01293 786 536 info@seraphim.co.uk

Accommodation Services


Seraphim can provide managed accommodation solutions for the needs of both corporate, local government and housing associations across the South East.

Seraphim provides accommodation solutions to your tenants.

Large Fully Furnished Homes

We provide large fully furnished, self contained, family, double and single rooms of a good standard in across Surrey and West Sussex.

The Perfect Locations

Ideal for your tenants, near town centres in the Gatwick vicinity and very close to amenities, shops, medical centres, train stations and bus routes.

Excellent Customer Service

We offer a high level of customer service through our Accommodation Team consisting of In-House Departments of Maintenance and Building Services, Housekeeping and Grounds Management. 



© 2020 Seraphim Group UK, registered in England under Company Number 7123531